Texas Go Math Grade 6 Module 6 Answer Key Multiplying and Dividing Integers

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Texas Go Math Grade 6 Module 6 Answer Key Multiplying and Dividing Integers

Texas Go Math Grade 6 Module 6 Are You Ready? Answer Key


Question 1.
9 × 3 ______________
9 × 3 = 27
When 9 is multiplied by an integer 1 through 9, digits of product add up to 9.
2 + 7 = 9

Question 2.
7 × 10 ______________
7 × 10 = 70
Product of 10 and another integer ends in 0.

Question 3.
9 × 8 ______________
9 × 8 = 72
When 9 is multiplied by an integer 1 through 9, digits of product add up to 9.
7 + 2 = 9

Question 4.
15 × 10 ______________
15 × 10 = 150
Product of 10 and another integer ends in 0.

Question 5.
6 × 9 ______________
6 × 9 = 54
When 9 is multiplied by an integer 1 through 9, digits of product add up to 9.
5 + 4 = 9

Question 6.
10 × 23 ______________
10 × 23 = 230
Product of 10 and another integer ends in 0.

Question 7.
9 × 9 ______________
9 × 9 = 81
When 9 is multiplied by an integer 1 through 9, digits of product add up to 9.
8 + 1 = 9

Question 8.
10 × 20 ______________
10 × 20 = 200
Product of 10 and another integer ends in 0.


Question 9.
54 ÷ 9 ______________
To calculate
54 ÷ 9
find the number that you need to multiply 9 times to get the value 54.
That number is 6:
6 × 9 = 54
54 ÷ 9 = 6

Question 10.
42 ÷ 6 ______________
To calculate
42 ÷ 6
find the number that you need to multiply 6 times to get the value 42.
That number is 7:
7 × 6 = 42
42 ÷ 6 = 7

Question 11.
24 ÷ 3 ______________
To calculate
24 ÷ 3
find the number that you need to multiply 3 times to get the value 24.
That number is 6:
8 × 3 = 24
24 ÷ 3 = 8

Question 12.
64 ÷ 8 ______________
To calculate
64 ÷ 8
find the number that you need to multiply 8 times to get the value 64.
That number is 8:
8 × 8 = 64
64 ÷ 8 = 8

Question 13.
90 ÷ 10 ______________
To calculate
90 ÷ 10
find the number that you need to multiply 10 times to get the value 90.
That number is 9:
9 × 10 = 90
90 ÷ 10 = 9

Question 14.
56 ÷ 7 ______________
To calculate
56 ÷ 7
find the number that you need to multiply 7 times to get the value 56.
That number is 8:
8 × 7 = 56
56 ÷ 7 = 8

Question 15.
81 ÷ 9 ______________
To calculate
81 ÷ 9
find the number that you need to multiply 9 times to get the value 81.
That number is 9:
9 × 9 = 81
81 ÷ 9 = 9

Question 16.
110 ÷ 11 ______________
To calculate
110 ÷ 11
find the number that you need to multiply 11 times to get the value 110.
That number is 10:
10 × 11 = 110
110 ÷ 11 = 10

Evaluate each expression.

Question 17.
12 + 8 ÷ 2
The expression you need to evaluate is:
12 + 8 ÷ 2
First divide integers from Left to right:
12 + 4
Then, add integers from Left to right:
12 + 4 = 16

Question 18.
15 – (4 + 3) × 2 ______________
The expression you need to evaluate is:
15 – (4 + 3) × 2
First evaluate the expression in brackets:
15 – 7 × 2
Then, muLtipLy integers from Left to right:
15 – 14
At the end, subtract integers
15 – 14 = 1

Question 19.
18 – (8 – 5)2 _____________
The expression you need to evaluate is:
18 – (8 – 5)2
First evaluate the expression in brackets:
18 – 32
Then, find 3 to the power of 2
18 – 9
At the end, subtract integers
18 – 9 = 9

Question 20.
6 + 7 × 3 – 5 ______________
The expression you need to evaluate is:
6 + 7 × 3 – 5
First multiply integers from left to right
6 + 21 – 5
At the end, add and subtract integers using ruLes for adding and subtracting integers:
6 + 21 – 5 = 22

Question 21.
9 + (22 + 32) × 2 _____________
The expression you need to evaluate is:
9 + (22 + 3)2 × 2
First find 2 to the power of 2 to evaLuate the expression in brackets
9 + (4 + 3)2 × 2
9 + 72 × 2
Find 7 to the power of 2:
9 + 49 × 2
Then, multiply integers from left to right
9 + 98
At the end, add integers
9 + 98 = 107

Result is 107
Evaluate the expression in brackets, find the value of that expression squared and then multiply and add integers from left to right.

Question 22.
6 + 5 – 4 × 3 ÷ 2 _____________
The expression you need to evaluate is:
6 + 5 – 4 × 3 ÷ 2
First, multiply integers from left to right
6 + 5 – 12 ÷ 2
Then, divide integers from left to right
6 + 5 – 6
At the end, add and subtract integers from left to right:
11 – 6 = 5

Result is 5.
Multiply and divide integers from left to right and then add and subtract integers.

Texas Go Math Grade 6 Module 4 Reading Start-Up Answer Key

Visualize Vocabulary
Use the ✔ words to complete the chart. You may put more than one word in each box.

Texas Go Math Grade 6 Module 5 Answer Key Multiplying and Dividing Integers 1

Understand Vocabulary

Complete the sentences using the review words.

Question 1.
A ________________ is a number that ¡s less than 0. A ________________ is a number that is greater than 0.
First requested review word is negative number
A negative number is less than 0 because it is left from 0 on the number line.

Second requested review word is positive number
A positive number is greater than 0 because it is right from 0 on the number line.

Question 2.
Division problems have three parts. The part you want to divide into groups is called the ________________. The number that is divided into another number is called the ________________. The answer to a division problem is called the ________________.
First requested word is dividend
The dividend is a number that is being divided by another number

Second requested word is divisor
The divisor is a number that is contained in another number (the dividend).

Third requested word is quotient
The quotient is a number of equal parts into which the dividend has been divided by divisor

Question 3.
________________ are all whole numbers and their opposites.
The requested word is integers
Integers are positive and negative numbers that can be written without fractional part.

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