McGraw Hill Math Grade 6 Unit Test Lessons 18-20 Answer Key

Practice questions available in McGraw Hill Math Grade 6 Answer Key PDF Unit Test Lessons 18-20 will engage students and is a great way of informal assessment.

McGraw-Hill Math Grade 6 Unit Test Lessons 18-20 Answer Key


Question 1.
Wilfredo is replacing the trim around all of the windows in his house. The perimeter of each window measures 124 inches and he has 9 windows. How many feet of trim does Wilfredo need to replace?

Question 2.
Ainsley wants to fill a fish tank with water for her new fish. The fish tank holds 176 quarts and she is adding the water with a one-gallon container. How many gallon containers will she need to fill the tank? ___________________________
The fish tank holds 176 quarts. Ainsley is adding the water with a one – gallon container.
We know that 1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts.
1 gallon = 4 quarts
? gallons = 176 quarts
(176 x 1)/4 = ?
176/4 = 44 gallon containers
Ainsley need 44 gallon containers to fill the tank.

Question 3.
Tom is weighing potted plants for shipping to customers. The first plant weighs 1670 ounces, the second plant weighs 100 \(\frac{1}{8}\) pounds, and third plant weighs one-twentieth of a ton.
Which plant weighs the most? _________________________________ ____________
Which plants weighs the least? ____________________________________________________
The first plant weighs 1670 ounces.
The second plant weighs 100 \(\frac{1}{8}\) pounds.
The third plant weighs one-twentieth of a ton.
Convert the second and third plant weight into ounces because the first plant weight is in ounces.
Second plant weighs 100 \(\frac{1}{8}\) pounds.
(800 + 1)/8 = 801/8 pounds
1 pound = 16 ounces
801/8 pounds = ? ounces
16 x 801/8 = 1,602 ounces
The second plant weighs 1,602 ounces.
The third plant weighs one-twentieth of a ton i.e. 1/20 of a ton.
1 ton = 2,000 pounds
1/20 ton = ? pounds
2,000 x 1/20 = 100 pounds
To convert 100 pounds to ounces we need to multiply 100 with 16 the product is equal to 1,600 ounces.
100 x 16 = 1,600 ounces.
The third plant weighs 1,600 ounces.
The first plant weighs the most.
The third plant weighs the least.

Question 4.
Sally wants to build a fence in her garden to keep the rabbits out, and she needs to know how much fencing to buy. The garden has an irregular shape with sides of 15 \(\frac{1}{4}\) feet, 660 inches, 12 yards, one foot, \(\frac{1}{160}\) of a mile, and 6 feet. How much fence material does she need (in feet)?
The garden has an irregular shape with sides of 15 \(\frac{1}{4}\) feet, 660 inches, 12 yards, one foot, \(\frac{1}{160}\) of a mile, and 6 feet.
Convert all sides of an irregular shape of a garden into customary unit feet.
Converting 660 inches into feet :
We know that,
1 foot = 12 inches
? feet = 660 inches
(660 x 1)/12 = 55 feet
The side 660 inches is converted into feet. So, 660 inches is equal to 55 feet.
Converting 12 yards into feet :
We know that,
1 yard = 3 feet
12 yards = ? feet
(12 x 3)/1 = 36 feet
The side 12 yards is converted into feet. So, 12 yards is equal to 36 feet.
Converting \(\frac{1}{160}\) of a mile into feet :
We know that,
1 mile = 1,760 yards
\(\frac{1}{160}\) mile = ? yards
1760 x \(\frac{1}{160}\) = 11 yards
We know that,
1 yard = 3 feet
11 yards = ? feet
11 x 3 = 33 feet
The side \(\frac{1}{160}\) mile is converted into feet. So, \(\frac{1}{160}\) of a mile is equal to 33 feet.
Add all sides of the garden.
15 \(\frac{1}{4}\) feet + 55 feet + 36 feet + 1 foot + 33 feet + 6 feet = 146 \(\frac{1}{4}\) feet 
Sally need 146 \(\frac{1}{4}\) feet fence material.

Question 5.
What is the area of a rectangle with a length of 20 ft and a width of 144 inches? ____________________________
length = 20 feet
width = 144 inches
Area of a rectangle (A) = l x w
Convert 144 inches into feet.
We know that,
1 foot = 12 inches
? feet = 144 inches
(144 x 1)/12 = 12 feet
So, width is equal to 12 feet.
A = 20 feet x 12 feet
A = 240 square feet
Area of a rectangle is equal to 240 square feet.

Question 6.
What is the area of a right triangle with lengths of 3 feet, 4 feet, and 60 inches? ____________________________________________
Area of a right triangle (A) = 1/2 x length(also called as base) x height
A = 1/2 x 3 feet x 4 feet
A = 6 square feet
Area of a right triangle is equal to 6 square feet.

Question 7.
What is the volume of a rectangular box with sides of 24 inches, and 1\(\frac{1}{2}\) feet, and a height of 18 inches? _________________________ cubic feet
Given length = 24 inches
Width = 1\(\frac{1}{2}\) feet = \(\frac{3}{2}\) feet
height = 18 inches
Volume of a rectangular box (V) = Length x width x height
Convert length and height to feet.
2 feet = 24 inches
1\(\frac{1}{2}\) feet = 18 inches
V = 2 feet x \(\frac{3}{2}\) feet x \(\frac{3}{2}\) feet
V = \(\frac{9}{2}\) cubic feet
V = 4.5 cubic feet
The volume of a rectangular box is equal to 4.5 cubic feet.

Question 8.
A modern spacecraft travels 4.9 miles per second to maintain enough speed to stay in orbit around the earth. How far does the spacecraft travel
in a minute? _______________________________
in an hour? _______________________________
in a day? _______________________________
A modern spacecraft travels 4.9 miles per second to maintain enough speed to stay in orbit around the earth.
1 second = 4.9 miles
First we have to calculate how far the spacecraft travel in a minute.
We know that 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.
Multiply 60 with 4.9 the product is equal to 294 miles
60 x 4.9 = 294 miles
The spacecraft travels 294 miles in a minute.
Second we have to calculate how far the spacecraft travel in a hour.
We know that 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds and 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes.
Multiply 60, and 60 with 4.9 the product is equal to 17,640 miles
60 x 60 x 4.9 = 17,640 miles
The spacecraft travels 17,640 miles in an hour.
Third we have to calculate how far the spacecraft travel in a day.
We know that 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds and 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes and 1 day is equal to 24 hours.
Multiply 24, 60, and 60 with 4.9 the product is equal to 423,360 miles
24 x 60 x 60 x 4.9 = 423,360 miles
The spacecraft travels 423,360 miles in a day.

Question 9.
If the earth is 24,000 miles in circumference, how much time would it take the spacecraft in Exercise 8 to orbit the earth once?
How many times a day would the spacecraft orbit the earth? _______________________________
How many times in a week? _______________________________
How many times in a year? _______________________________

Question 10.
The world record for the high jump is 2.45 meters. The world record for the pole vault is 6.14 meters. How many centimeters higher is the pole vault record than the high jump record?
The world record for the high jump is 2.45 meters.
The world record for the pole vault is 6.14 meters.
Subtract 2.45 meters from 6.14 meters the difference is equal to 3.69 meters
6.14 – 2.45 = 3.69 meters
We know that 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters.
Multiply 3.69 with 100 the product is equal to 369 centimeters.
3.69 x 100 = 369 cm
The pole vault record is 369 cm higher than the high jump record.

Question 11.
Stacy is measuring fabric for her grandmother, who is going to make a rectangular banner for a parade float. The banner will be 4.5 meters in length and 1,350 millimeters in width. How much fabric is needed for the banner?_______________ sq cm
The length of the banner (l) = 4.5 meters
Convert 4.5 meters into centimeters.
We know that,
1 meter = 100 cm
4.5 meters = ? cm
100 x 4.5 = 450 cm
The length of the banner (l) = 450 centimeters
The width of the banner (w) = 1,350 millimeters
Convert 1,350 millimeters into centimeters.
We know that,
1 cm = 10 mm
?cm = 1,350 mm
1,350/10 = 135 cm
The width of the banner (w) = 135 centimeters 
Area of the rectangle (A) = l x w
A = 450 cm x 135 cm
A = 60,750 Square centimeters
The fabric needed for the banner is 60,750 square centimeters.

Question 12.
Heidi has three cans of cooking oil to recycle. One can holds 1,456 milliliters of oil, the second can holds 23.4 centiliters of oil, and the third can holds 4.5 liters of oil. How much cooking oil is Heidi going to recycle? ______________ liters
One can holds 1,456 milliliters of oil.
Convert milliliters into liters.
We know that,
1 liter = 1,000 milliliters
? liters = 1,456 milliliters
(1,456 x 1)/1,000 = 1.456 liters
One can holds 1.456 liters of oil.
The second can holds 23.4 centiliters of oil.
Convert centiliters into liters.
We know that,
1 liter = 100 liters
? liters = 23.4 centiliters
(23.4 x 1)/100 = 0.234 liters
The second can holds 0.234 liters of oil.
The third can holds 4.5 liters of oil.
Add all three cans of oil.
1.456 liters + 0.234 liters + 4.5 liters = 6.19 liters
Heidi going to recycle 6.19 liters of cooking oil.

Question 13.
What is the area of a triangle with sides of 6 cm, 6 cm, a base of 9 cm, and a height of 4 cm? _______________________________ sq cm
sides = 6 cm, 6 cm
Base (b) = 9 cm
Height (h) = 4 cm
Area of a triangle (A) = 1/2 x b x h
A = 1/2 x 9 cm x 4 cm
A = 18 square centimeters
Area of the triangle is equal to 18 square centimeters.

Question 14.
Jerold walked around the rectangular school gymnasium, which measures 56 meters by 6,500 centimeters. How many meters did Jerold walk?
length (l) = 56 meters
Breadth (b) = 6,500 centimeters
Convert breadth into meters.
1 meter = 100 cm
? meters = 6,500 cm
6,500/100 = 65 meters
breadth = 65 meters
Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(l + b)
= 2 (56 + 65)
= 2 (121)
= 242 meters
Jerold walk 242 meters.

Question 15.
How much corn feed can fit into a rectangular bin that measures 4.6 meters in width, 14.5 meters in length, and 5.5 meters high?
_______________________________ cu meters
length = 14.5 meters
Width = 4.6 meters
Height = 5.5 meters
Volume of rectangular bin (V) = l x w x h
V = 14.5 x 4.6 x 5.5
V = 366.85 cubic meters
366.85 cubic meters of corn feed can fit into a rectangular bit.

Question 16.
The average player on the basketball team is 6 feet 4 inches tall. About how tall is that in centimeters? __________________
The average player on the basketball team is 6 feet 4 inches tall.
Convert 6 feet into inches.
1 feet = 12 inches
6 feet = ? inches
12 x 6 = 72 inches
Add 72 inches to 4 inches the sum is equal to 76 inches.
72 + 4 = 76 inches
Convert 76 inches to centimeters.
We know that
1 inch = 2.54 cm
76 inches = ? cm
76 x 2.54 = 193.04 cm
The average player on the basketball team is 193.04 cm tall.

Question 17.
The average US car has a gas tank that holds 65 liters of gasoline. How much is that in gallons?
The average US car has a gas tank that holds 65 liters of gasoline.
We know that,
1 gallon = 3.785 liters
? gallons = 65 liters
65/3.785 = 17.17 = 17.2 gallons
The gas tank holds 17.2 gallons of gasoline.

Question 18.
Paulie was looking for lawn mowing jobs. He surveyed the people in his neighborhood and found out that the average lawn measured 54 feet by 30 feet.
What is the total area in square feet? _________________
In square yards? _________________
About how much is the total area in square meters? _________________
The average lawn is measured 54 feet by 30 feet.
Area = length x width
A = 54 feet x 30 feet
A = 1,620 square feet
The total area of the lawn is 1,620 square feet.

The average lawn is measured 54 feet by 30 feet.
Convert 54 feet to yards.
1 yard = 3 feet
? yards = 54 feet
54/3 = 18 yards
Length = 18 yards
Convert 30 feet into yards
1 yard =  3 feet
? yards = 30 feet
30/3 = 10 yards
Width = 10 yards
Area = length x width
A = 18 yards x 10 yards
A = 180 square yards
The total area of the lawn is 180 square yards.

Question 19.
Normal body temperature is 98.6° F. What is that in Celsius?
Given, Normal body temperature is 98.6° F.
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius the formula is (F – 32) x 5/9 = C
(98.6 – 32) x 5/9 = C
66.6 x 5/9 = C
37 = C
37° C
Normal body temperature is 37° C.

Question 20.
The oil company suggests that people set the temperature in their homes at between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius during the winter. What is that range in Fahrenheit?
If the temperature is 20°C in their homes during the winter. To convert the temperature 20°C to Fahrenheit the formula is C x 9/5 + 32 = F
20 x 9/5 + 32 = F
36 + 32 = F
68 = F
68° F
If the temperature is 22°C in their homes during the winter. To convert the temperature 22°C to Fahrenheit the formula is C x 9/5 + 32 = F
22 x 9/5 + 32 = F
71.6 = F
72° F
The range in Fahrenheit is 68° F – 72° F.

Question 21.
What is the volume of the rectangular solid?
McGraw Hill Math Grade 6 Unit Test Lessons 18-20 Answer Key 1
Length (l) = 5 inches
Width (w) = 4 inches
height (h) = 6 inches
Volume of a rectangular solid (V) = l x w x h
V = 5 x 4 x 6
V = 120 cubic inches
The volume of a rectangular solid is 120 cubic inches.

Question 22.
What is the volume of the triangular solid?
McGraw Hill Math Grade 6 Unit Test Lessons 18-20 Answer Key 2
Base area (b) = length x width
b = 9 inches x 5 inches
b 45 square inches
Volume of triangular solid (v) = 1/2 x base area x height
v = 1/2 x 45 square inches x 12 inches
v = 540/2 cubic inches
V = 270 cubic inches
Volume of triangular solid is equal to 270 cubic inches.

Question 23.
In track and field, the standard middle distance event is the 1,500 meters.
About how many feet is 1,500 meters? ______________
About how much farther beyond 1,500 meters would someone have to run in order to reach a mile? ______________ feet
about ______________ meters

Question 24.
The distance of a flight from New York to Phoenix, Arizona is about 2,400 miles. The average ground speed for a commercial airliner is about 850 kilometers per hour. About how much time will it take to fly from New York to Phoenix?
______________ hours
The distance of a flight from New York to Phoenix, Arizona is about 2,400 miles.
Convert 2,400 miles into kilometers.
1 mile = 1.6 km
2,400 miles = ? km
2,400 x 1.6 = 3,840 km
The distance of a flight from New York to Phoenix, Arizona is about 3,840 km.
1 hour = 850 km
? hours = 3,840 km
3,840/850 = 4.5 hours
The flight takes 4.5 hours to fly from New York to Phoenix.

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