McGraw Hill Math Grade 5 Chapter 4 Lesson 9 Answer Key Problem Solving

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill Math Grade 5 Answer Key PDF Chapter 4 Lesson 9 Problem Solving are as per the latest syllabus guidelines.

McGraw-Hill Math Grade 5 Answer Key Chapter 4 Lesson 9 Problem Solving

Solve each problem. Work backward if you need to.

Question 1.
June picks several baskets of apples. She keeps half the baskets for herself. She gives the rest to 3 friends. Each friend got 2 baskets of apples. How many baskets of apples did June pick?
12 baskets; 2 × 3 = 6 baskets; 6 baskets × 2 = 12 baskets

Number of baskets is 12 baskets.

Given that June picks several baskets of apples and she keeps half the baskets for herself then she gives the rest to 3 friends. As each friend got 2 baskets of apples. So the number of baskets of apples did June picked is 2×3 = 6 baskets. As each friend got 2 baskets of apples is 6×2 = 12 baskets.

Question 2.
Myrna and Barry have a goat farm. They began with a certain number of goats, and every year after that, the goat population doubled. In 5 years, Myrna and Barry had 144 goats. How many goats did they begin with?
The number of goats did they begin with is 72 goats.

Given that Myrna and Barry have a goat farm and they began with a certain number of goats, and every year after that, the goat population doubled in 5 years. So the number of goats did they begin with is 144÷2 which is 72 goats.

Question 3.
Marvin wants to know the age of Mr. Fogel’s horse. Mr Fogel told Marvin that if he added 10 years to the age of the horse and then doubled it, the horse would be 44 years old. How old is the horse?
The age of Marvin is 12 years.

Given that Mr Fogel told Marvin that if he added 10 years to the age of the horse and then doubled it, the horse would be 44 years old. LEt the age of Marvin be X, as he added 10 which is X+10 and then doubled which is 2(X+10) = 44
X + 10 = 44 ÷ 2
X + 10 = 22
X = 22 – 10
= 12 years.
So the age of Marvin is 12 years.

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