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McGraw-Hill Math Grade 3 Answer Key Chapter 9 Lesson 6 Mass in Grams and Kilograms
Place a check mark beside the better estimate of each object’s mass.
Question 1.
__________ 28 g
__________ 1 kg
The estimated weight of the pencil is 28 grams.
Question 2.
__________ 30 kg
__________ 30 g
The estimated weight of monkey is 30 kg.
Question 3.
__________ 10 kg
__________ 12 g
The estimated weight of the strawberry is 12 grams.
Question 4.
__________ 5 g
__________ 1 kg
The estimated weight of the book is 5 grams.
Question 5.
What do you think is the mass of a small grape? Of a jar of pickles? Write your estimates. If possible, check your estimates using a scale that measures grams and kilograms. Write the measurements.
The mass of a small graph is measured in grams with pan balance.
The mass of a jar of pickles is measured in kilograms.